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December 14, 2009
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday December 14, 2009 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Chairman Bob St. Pierre, Members: John Casey and Rick Lee, Investigator Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.  
Approved:       One Day Liquor Licenses. Applicant: Hamilton Hall. Present: Tricia Schott.
        Mr. Casey noted they are allowed to have 30 One Day licenses per year.
        Ms. Schott said this brings her total to 24 for the year.
        Mr. Casey said this event is for the Hamilton Hall annual dance on 12/19 from 9:30-12:30 am and there will be approximately 250 people. He said the insurance and detail officer are in place.
        Mr. Casey motioned to waive the $100.00 fee and approve the application.
        Mr. Lee seconded
Approved:       Request to increase number of vehicles on Class II lot. Applicant: Oceanside Auto. Present: Tom Doucette.
        Mr. Casey said that he and Lt. Ouellette went out and walked the lot with Mr. Doucette and spoke with him about increasing the number of vehicles to 21. He said that Mr. Doucette provided them with an engineer’s plan and that his lot is in good shape and that he has the room for the additional vehicles.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve to increase the number of cars to 21.
        Mr. Lee seconded.

Approved:       Individual’s Fortunetelling License Renewal. Applicant: William Lazdowski.
        Mr. Casey said that these are renewable every two years.
        Mr. Lazdowski said that he also has his store license.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve
        Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Individual’s Fortunetelling License Renewal. Applicant: Richard Watson. 
                Mr. Watson said he really only does phone readings from his home.
                Mr. Casey motioned to approve
                Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Common Victualler’s license at for burger King, 259 Highland Ave.
Applicant: LBK, LLC d/b/a Burger King #3564. Present: Ron Dimick and Rob Smith.
                Mr. Dimick and Mr., Smith said they are both district managers.
Mr. Casey asked if this is just one corporation going to another and who the manager will be.
Mr. Dimick said that’s exactly what it is and the manager will remain the same.
Mr. Lee asked if they were bringing on new staff or keeping the people that were there now.
Mr. Smith said it would be the same people.
Mr. Lee asked if they were changing the floor plan.
Mr. Smith said they are not.
Mr. Casey said there had always been an understanding with Burger King that they are responsible for once or more a day to go out and pick up the debris that is around the building. He asked them about hours.
Mr. Smith said Sunday thru Wednesday 6am-11pm and Thursday Friday and Saturday 6am until 2am.
Mr. Casey said this Board can only issue a license until 11 and that any hours after that has to go before City Council.  He said the license will read until 11pm until they get approval from the Council.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve for 7 days a week from 6am-11pm with the condition that they are responsible for all debris in there lot and surround the building and that they seek approval from City Council for later hours.
Mr. Lee seconded.

Approved:       Common Victualler’s License for Café Jefferson, 293 Jefferson Avenue.
Applicant: Mike Cogliandro and Susan Sinrich and George Papagiannis, current owner.
                Mr. Casey asked Mr. Cogliandro to tell the Board about what he is doing.  
Mr. Cogliandro said that the restaurant has been open since 2005 and he will continue to run in the same way other than maybe a slight expansion in hours.
Mr. Casey asked what the hours would be.
Mr. Cogliandro said that the hours will be 7 days from 6am-3pm.
Mr. Casey asked Ms. Sinrich’s role.
Ms. Sinrich said she is really just financing this she will not be at the restaurant.
Mr. Casey asked if Mr. Papagiannis is selling the property or just the business.
Mr. Pappagiannis said just the business.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve
Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Common Victualler’s License for Fran and Diane’s Kitchen at 333 Lafayette Street. Present: Diane Hemlen, Frank Ruggeri and Jason Ruggeri.

        Mr. Casey said this is in the spot that used to be Niko’s Pizza, which closed months ago with no notice to the LB. He asked if Ms. Hamlen knew who the owner of the building was.
        Ms. Hemlen said it was a man by the name of Jackie lee.
        Mr. Lee pointed out that that is no relation to him.
        Mr. Casey said that the LB would approve the application but would not issue the license until the final sign off by the Health Dept. and Fire Prevention. He asked what hours they would be operating.
        Ms. Hemlen said 7 days a week from 11am-11pm.
        Mr. Casey asked about the capacity.
        Ms. Hemlen said it would be 15. She said that was after meeting with Dave from the Health Department and figuring out she could only have 15 if she did not have restrooms available to the public.
        Mr. Ruggeri said it would be the same footprint inside.
        Mr. Casey also reminded them that they need to keep the front of the establishment free and clear of trash.
        Ms. Hemlen said that their dumpster is in the back of the building.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve contingent upon final signatures on the routing slip from Fire and Health and with a condition that the area out front of their establishment is kept free and clear on trash.
        Mr. Lee seconded
Approved:       Liquor license transfer from Edgeway Corp. d/b/a Edgewater Café to Adriatic Group, LLC d/b/a Adriatic Restaurant and Bar, 155 Washington Street.
        Present: Eljonida Kurti, Florian Cela, applicants and their attorney Annalisa Avola and Dennis Moustakis and his attorney Michael Splaine.
        Mr. Cela said that his plan is to open an Italian restaurant. He said that he loves Salem and he would like to bring a new face here.
        Mr. Casey asked what his experience is.
        Mr. Cela said that he has been a busboy and a waiter since he was a kid and has always worked at restaurants.
        Mr. Casey asked what his role at the establishment would be.
        Mr. Cela said he and Ms.  Kurti would both be managers.
        Mr. Casey said he has a concern about their lack of training in serving alcohol.
        Mr. Cela said they are going to take the TIPS class.
        Mr. Casey said that he is going to make it a stipulation of the license that once open all staff and servers are TIPS trained within two weeks.  He asked when they were going to open.
        Mr. Cela said not until the end of February beginning of March.
        Attorney Splaine said that the business has been closed since October 31, 2009 and that the applicants have already established a relationship with the landlord.
        Mr. Lee wanted to point out that the LB is requesting TIOPS training for every place not just them.
        Mr. Casey asked if they had their bank statement to prove funding.
        Attorney Avola gave it to Mr. Casey.
        Mr. Casey asked if they had factored out the cost of the License itself.
        Mr. Moustakis said the Liquor License was about $55,000.00.
        Mr. Cela said the total cost of the business was $95,000.00.
        Mr. Casey asked what the hours will be.
        Mr. Cela said that the hours would remain the same as Edgewater.
        Mr., Casey said those hours were 8am-1am Monday through Saturday and noon until 1am on Sunday.
        Mr. Casey asked what they wanted for entertainment.
        Mr. Cela said they would like to have live entertainment.
        Mr. Casey said when they come back for that before opening he needs to be very specific on his request.
        Mr. Cela said his architect is still working on the plans for the interior.
        Mr. Lee said to make sure the architect included everything so he only has to come back once.
        Lt. Ouellette asked if they were going to have outside seating.
        Mr. Lee said they need to go to City Council for approval on the patio seating.
        Ms. Pagliaro will check with the Building Commissioner to find out the current number for the capacity.
        Mr. Casey motioned to extinguish the current license in the name of Edgeway Corp. d/b/a Edgewater Cafe at 155 Washington Street.
        Mr. Lee seconded
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the Common Victualler and Annual All Alcohol License in the name of Adriatic Group LLC d/b/a Adriatic Restaurant and Bar with two conditions. The first being that all servers and staff are TIPS or equivalent certified within two weeks of opening and secondly that the Board of Probation forms come back okay. The capacity will remain at 80 until further changed by the Building Department.
        Mr. Lee seconded

        Mr. Casey said they should come back before opening for the entertainment license and that he should have specifics.

Approved:       Application for a Home Rule Petition License from a Seasonal License to an Annual Beer and Wine License.  Applicant: Derby Deli, Present: Vassilios (Bill) Tzikas.
        Mr. Casey said that this application has been in the works for a while and it was finally approved by the Governor. He said this is a current licensee who has a Seasonal and wants to have an Annual. He also said there is a new committee at the State level that these applicants have to go though.
        Mr. Tzikas said that it went well.
        Mr. Casey said all of his paperwork is in place.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the application for an Annual Beer and Wine License through the Home Rule petition for Derby Deli, 245 Derby Street.
        Mr. Lee seconded
Discussion:     Spiros Energy & Auto Repairs, Inc. Present: Mr. Evangelos Frangias, owner and Freddy Mendosa.
Mr. Casey said that he drove by Spiro’s Gas Station a couple of weeks ago and he had some of his vehicles for sale parked in the Dairy Witch lot right next door.
        Mr. Frangias said that he moved the vehicles right away once he called and found out why he was being called in. He said that he is very sorry and it will not happen again.
Mr. Casey reminded him that he only is allowed 5 cars for sale and that in the spring time he wants Mr. Frangias to have the lines striped for those 5 vehicles and he can only have vehicles for sale within those stripped spaces.
        Mr. Frangias said he would do that.
        Freddy Mendosa who was with Mr. Frangias said that he is the one who buys the vehicles form the auction.
        Mr. Casey reminded him not to exceed the number of cars they are allowed on their license.
        There was no further discussion on this matter.

Tabled: Discussion on increasing fees for Lodging Houses.
Mr. Casey gave a brief overview of what happened in regards to this issue for the new Chair. He said he made a motion to set the flat fee of Lodging houses $100 for the first four rooms and $25 thereafter for each room at each lodging house, bringing in revenue of $5775 annually. He said that he met with the Building Inspector and the Health Agent and they estimated 6-8 hours involved in the inspections, travel time, paperwork and re-inspections. He said he also had a discussion with Rich Viscay; the City’s Finance Director and will be speaking to him again regarding the assignment of costs to justify the increase to the City Council.
The question was asked about t what rate they are paying for taxes and Ms. Pagliaro said she believed that Lodging houses do pay the commercial rate but will confirm that with the Collector’s Office.
Mr. Lee suggested tabling this topic until Mr. Casey speaks with Mr. Viscay again and gets more information on the cost.

Approved:       Mr. Casey made a motion to approve the renewals of all Liquor Licenses, Common Victuallers Licenses, Auto Dealers Licenses, Automatic Amusements, Entertainment Licenses, hours on Entertainment Licenses and Lodging Houses with the exception of two Class II Auto Dealers being ADM Auto and Salem Auto on Boston Street until they provide Ms. Pagliaro with an appropriate bond as required by law.
        Mr. Lee seconded

        Mr. Casey noted that all Entertainment Licenses will go out with an  ending time of 12:30 am to coincide with last call.

Approved:       Minutes from the November 23, 2009 meeting.

Business:       *Call Strega in for a Hearing at the next meeting regarding a fight.
*Call O’Neill’s in for a Hearing at the next meeting regarding a patron who was involved in an accident.        
                *Call Pegasus Auto in for a discussion on the condition of the lot.

ications:       E-mail from Patricia owner of  Coach House Inn on Lafayette Street opposing the Lodging House increase in fees.         

Adjournment:    Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn
                Mr. Casey seconded      

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: December 18, 2009
Approved: January 11, 2010